Primaris Intercessors WIP 4

Another quick one this week. Since finishing the sergeant I've made a start on both of the other Intercessors. I've already shown the basecoated Imperial Fist. I've also stripped the Red Scorpion and decided to do him as a White Scar instead. This model makes sense as a White Scar because his pose makes it look like he's running which is in fitting with the White Scar being speedsters. All I've done so far is base him in Ulthuan Grey, paint the trim in Mephiston Red, add a couple of layers of Vallejo gloss varnish and give him a Nuln Oil wash. I had a go at freehanding the kneepad as well. I've gone for the 3rd Company, solely because their captain is Kor'sarro Khan and if I do decided to paint up some more units he'll fit right in. I got the design from the White Scars Lexicanum page . I've made a start on the base coats for the Imperial Fist too but I want to wash him with Agrax Earthshade and I haven't got the gloss version of it yet...