
Aeldari Guardian: Craftworld Iybraesil

I got distracted. Ugh. I hated this model. For a long time now I've been wanting to have a go at painting some Eldar (Aeldari? What are they even called now?) models from the Craftworld Iybraesil, inspired by  Stahly from Tale of Painters . The other day I was watching a YouTube video from Sonic Sledgehammer Studio where he painted a  Celestial Vindicator  in a similar, turquoise scheme and it made me think "maybe it's time I finally had a go". Here's the thing about me though, I'm lazy, and I hate mixing paints. I don't even like thinning paints. To me it seems like a faff and knowing I'm going to have to do it a lot is the sort of thing that puts me off picking up a brush. This is why I love the airbrush paints that Games Workshop do these days. I do use them in my airbrush but I also use them with a normal brush straight out of the pot. The problem is, they don't do airbrush versions of the whole range. So I jumped in the car and drove dow...

Recap and Resolutions: 2019

Well, where to start? 2019 was the year I properly got back into the hobby. My interest was piqued way back in 2011 and I dipped my toe in and out here over the next 8 (?!) years without ever fully committing. That all changed in 2019. One of the biggest reasons I finally managed to become a fully-fledged miniature painter again was clearing out the spare room in our house. We have a box room that was previously just used as a dumping ground. It was the room where we put everything we didn't know where else to put. I changed jobs back in February and had a week off so I cleared the room out, put a shelf up and set it up as my hobby room. Having a dedicated space really made a difference. One of the reason's I never used to have the motivation to do any painting was because I couldn't be to get all of my stuff out of a cupboard and put it all away again once I was finished. The other big thing this year was setting up this blog and my Instagram account. Being able to t...

Bad Moons Ork Boyz 4

Finished the last of the individual Ork Boyz. Black trousers on this guy (Abaddon Black, Eshin Grey and Dawnstone). I didn't want him to have black boots as well so I painted those the same colour as the brown leather straps (Dryad Bark and Gorthor Brown), with an additional drybrushed highlight of Baneblade Brown. That's all the different clothes colours I wanted for the mob. I've got 5 trouser colours and 4 shirt colours so I can mix and match 20 Boyz without having any 2 with the same combination. Feels like I'm actually going to finish a unit! Edit: Forgot to add the other photos: And here's the 5 Boyz I've finished so far:

Bad Moons Ork Boyz 3

Remember when I used the word "momentum"...? Yeah that didn't last I have managed to finish another of the Boyz. This guy loves him some khaki. Not much to say about this guy. The shirt was base coated XV-88, washed with Agrax Earthshade and then drybrushed with Tau Light Ochre and Ungor Flesh. The trousers used the same technique but the colours were Steel Legion Drab, Tallarn Sand and Karak Stone respectively. One more trouser colour to try out and then I'm ready to start batch painting the rest of the mob. I've set myself the target of having the remaining 15 models tidied up and under coated before Christmas. Here goes nothing!

Bad Moons Ork Boyz 2

2 more Boyz in the bank! I believe this strange feeling I'm experiencing at the moment is commonly referred to by those in the know as "momentum". It feels good. Not too much to say about these guys. I used exactly the same techniques as with the  the first one . The only difference are the clothes. The guy on the left in the hat has blue trousers (Kantor Blue, Alaitoc Blue and Russ Grey) and a grey shirt (Mechanicus Standard Grey, Dawnstone and Adminstratum Grey). The guy on the right has purple trousers (Phoenician Purple, Xereus Purple and Genestealer Purple) and a red shirt (Khorne Red, Wadakka Red and Squig Orange). All of those were washed with Nuln Oil. I think I was a little heavy-handed with the matte varnish on the second model and dulled some of the colours down a bit too much, especially the metals. The trousers look a bit more purple than this in person. Two more colour combinations to try out before I start batch painting the rest of the m...

Bad Moons Ork Boy

In my last post I said that after finishing the White Scar I was going to finish off the Imperial Fist Intercessor and then tackle of box of Tyranid Hormagaunts. Well as you can see, neither of those things happened... Firstly, I really struggled with the yellow power armour for the Imperial Fist. The shade I went for is too pale and it just looked wrong. This is the second time I've tried to paint this model and I'm not bothering with a third or it'll never end. I'm leaving this miniature for now, I'm getting sick of Space Marines! Secondly, I don't have a box of Hormagaunts. No idea why I thought I did. So instead, I decided to go for a quick win and paint an Ork. I've got loads of Orks. When I first tried to get back into the hobby I bought the Assault on Black Reach boxed game off eBay which includes a mob of 20 Ork Boyz. I've tried painting them before with little success. I think the problem I had was that I kept trying to paint all 20 a...

White Scar Primaris Intercessor

The White Scar Intercessor is finished! Once again I'm really happy with him. I was very much starting to lose faith in him while I was edge highlighting the white. I don't know if it's just the fact that the pot of White Scar air paint I have is quite old or if this particular paint is a bit of a weird consistency but I was really struggling with it. The paint seemed to immediately dry on my brush. I persevered though, and once I'd finished I left the model alone for a bit and when I came back to it I decided it hadn't come out that badly after all. I really like the way the red has come out too. I was also able to stick some transfers on him! I used Micro Set and Micro Sol to try and get the transfers to look as painted on as possible and I think it's worked. They didn't wrap around the shoulder pads as well as I'd have liked and I had to scrape a few protruding edges off and paint over them. Next time I'll cut some slits into the edges so t...