
Showing posts from December, 2019

Bad Moons Ork Boyz 4

Finished the last of the individual Ork Boyz. Black trousers on this guy (Abaddon Black, Eshin Grey and Dawnstone). I didn't want him to have black boots as well so I painted those the same colour as the brown leather straps (Dryad Bark and Gorthor Brown), with an additional drybrushed highlight of Baneblade Brown. That's all the different clothes colours I wanted for the mob. I've got 5 trouser colours and 4 shirt colours so I can mix and match 20 Boyz without having any 2 with the same combination. Feels like I'm actually going to finish a unit! Edit: Forgot to add the other photos: And here's the 5 Boyz I've finished so far:

Bad Moons Ork Boyz 3

Remember when I used the word "momentum"...? Yeah that didn't last I have managed to finish another of the Boyz. This guy loves him some khaki. Not much to say about this guy. The shirt was base coated XV-88, washed with Agrax Earthshade and then drybrushed with Tau Light Ochre and Ungor Flesh. The trousers used the same technique but the colours were Steel Legion Drab, Tallarn Sand and Karak Stone respectively. One more trouser colour to try out and then I'm ready to start batch painting the rest of the mob. I've set myself the target of having the remaining 15 models tidied up and under coated before Christmas. Here goes nothing!