The Story So Far

In my last (and also first) post I talked about how I decided to get in to the hobby, spent a fortune on all kinds of miniatures and then hardly painted any. As true as this may be, I have actually finished painting some of them... So I thought I'd share a few and give a bit of a brief history lesson on how I got to where I am today.

My original plan was to start a small Ork army for Warhammer 40k. I had no intention of ever getting into actually playing 40k (and I still don't), but I thought Orks would be a good place to start as they seemed pretty quick and easy to paint. I bought a box of Boyz but before I'd managed to get together enough paints to actually paint any of them, I'd started to snoop around on eBay and managed to find a complete Assault on Black Reach box set at a pretty reasonable price. I snapped it up, but by the time it had arrived I'd convinced myself I wanted to paint the Space Marines in it first.

I decided I didn't want to go for the obvious chapters (Ultramarines, Blood Anglels or Dark Angels) so after watching a LOT of YouTube videos I decided to go for Imperial Fists.

Now, I'm not for one second saying these guys are going to win any competitions, but for a first completed unit I was pretty chuffed with them. The blending on the armour is shocking and the edge highlights are all over the place, but I still smile whenever I look at them. I never got round to adding the transfers to the shoulder pads but I'm still counting these as finished so shut up :P.

That's it then, I'm going to collect and paint an Imperial Fist army...

Or so I thought. It was around this time that the first Hobbit film was coming out and Games Workshop released the Escape From Goblin Town box set. Normally this wouldn't have even been on my radar (I only really have eyes for 40k). But I'd started to become a massive fan of the guys over at Tale of Painters and Garfy had got himself a copy of EFGT and was doing tutorials for every model in the box. Garfy's tutorials are great and I convinced myself that by following them I'd be able to practice a few different techniques and also try out a few different colours.

I managed to get through all 40 of the goblins, including the king, Gandalf and Bilbo.

One thing I wasn't prepared for was just how tiny the models were going to be, Bilbo is ridiculous!

My little detour into Middle Earth was the first example of what has proven to be a major flaw of mine, getting distracted mid-project by something new. I still haven't touched any of the other models in this box but I have managed to somehow fill a cupboard with all manner of units and box sets from various different armies. New Tyranids are out, I'll take some of those! Stahly from Tale of Painters has painted some Eldar in a cool new colour scheme I've not seen before, I'm going to give that a try!

These Tyranids are the last unit that I finished, and I couldn't even tell you how long ago that was. I've tried a few times to get the Boyz from Assault on Black Reach painted, only to give up half way through, leave them for a few months, strip them and start again.

I haven't really got anything other models worth sharing (I did say in my first (but also last) post that my list of completed models is embarrassing). However, what I do have is a plan, and now I have a blog to keep me focussed! I'll talk more about what I plan on painting next in my next post.

Let me know what you think of the models I've painted so far. They are all a few years old now and I'm aware they're nothing to write home about. But as I said earlier, for first attempts I don't think they're too bad (so don't be too mean :P). It will be interesting to look back on these in a year or and see how I've progressed.


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