

Thank you for taking the time to check out my new blog. My name is John (AKA Stiff Bristles) and I'm a 32 year old miniature hobbyist, currently living in Nottingham.

I first got into collecting and painting Games Workshop miniatures many years ago in primary school. I was never really much of a gamer. I much preferred planning out army lists, spending all of my parent's hard-earned cash on miniatures, supergluing my fingers together trying to assemble them and painting them up. I would play odd game with my friends from time to time, but not very often.

As I grew older and moved into high school my commitment to miniature painting waned and by the time I came to do my GCSEs I'd pretty much given it up. However, a few years ago I decided I needed a new hobby and thought I'd take a look at the Games Workshop website and see how things had changed over time. The answer was: not much! In fact a lot of the models still being sold were the same casts I remembered from back in the day!

I decided to give it another go so I bought a few paints and a couple of models (Orks I think) and got started. I quickly realised that once I made time to sit down get painting I really enjoyed myself, but finding the time and the motivation to do so proved a bit tricky. The end result of that I currently have a HUGE mountain of boxes full of untouched miniatures that I haven't done anything with. In fact, if I listed the sum total of miniatures I've actually finished since I bought those Orks it would be pretty embarrassing (and those Orks wouldn't be on it)!

And that brings me to this blog. I'm hoping that recording my progress will help inspire me and keep me motivated to actually get some miniatures finished. I've got a bit of a plan of the kinds of things I want to paint and no shortage of plastic waiting in my spare room!

So stay tuned! Fingers crossed this will be the start of me picking up this hobby again properly.


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