Shazam WIP 1

I've finally got my paints out and made a start on Shazam. Feels good to finally get going with painting a miniature!

I even got my airbrush out. I've played around a bit with airbrushing but I've never really got to grips with it. I still don't really feel like I know what I'm doing. I'm happy with how this turned out though. For an undercoat I used Vallejo surface primer. I started out with black and then did a zenithal highlight with white.

I then used Citadel Air paints to get the reds down. I started with an all over coat of Khorne Red, I then applied Mephiston Red to the front and top of the model, followed with Evil Sunz Scarlet from above.

Finally, I blocked in the rest of the base coats. These were Averland Sunset for the yellows, Celestra Grey for the cloak, Retributor Armour for the golds, Cadian Fleshtone for the skin and Abaddon Black for the hair.

The only other thing I've done so far it to paint the base. I think it looks pretty good. There's actually supposed to be 2 shades of grey in there but I think that's been lost in the washing. The cream stone looks a bit out of place now so I might change it a bit. The stones are base coated with Stormvermin Fir, Dawnstone and Rakarth Flesh, washed with Agrax Earthshade and dry brushed with Screaming Skull. The rim was painted with Abaddon Black.

I'm really chuffed with how he's looking so far. The next steps are to get a couple of coats of gloss varnish on him before getting the washes out. I've never used varnishes in the airbrush before and I'm going to attempt an oil wash on the red which will also be a first.


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