
This is my fourth blog post, and so far in all of my previous posts I've used some variation of the phrase " I mentioned in my last post..." and it's already starting to annoy me. Hopefully once I get going with painting properly this will stop and my posts will be a bit more independent from each other.

Anyway, as I mentioned in my last post, before I get going with my Blood Angels company I decided to take a little detour and paint a single miniature that would be a bit of fun and hopefully let me practice some new techniques (mainly, painting red). Well that miniature is none other than...Shazam!

I got the inspiration to paint this guy after watching Scott over at Miniac on YouTube paint him. If you haven't already checked out Miniac I really can't recommend him enough. Scott has a ton of videos demonstrating pretty much every technique out there and he's a really funny and charismatic guy. I watch all of his videos and this one really caught my imagination. By the end of video Scott pretty much says "this model is the perfect miniature for beginners to start practising on". It's got a lot of horizontal straight lines that are perfect for edge highlights. His cloak is ideal for trying out blending. There's gold, skin tones, everything you can think of.

He's also cheap! I bought mine from Wayland Games' eBay store for £11.66 and I think the price is pretty amazing. It's made out of resin (which I've never worked with before) and the detail is great. Not perfect, the trim on the cloak isn't that well defined but for such a cheap model I was more than happy. He comes from a range of miniatures called Knight Models. They currently 3 tabletop games available, a Batman game, a DC Universe game and a Harry Potter game, all of which seem to have a massive range of cool character miniatures. I think it's safe to say Shazam isn't going to be the only model from this range I paint, I'm a HUGE Harry Potter nerd so I'll definitely be getting one of those at some point.

The only thing I didn't really like was the base he came with. I can see what they were going for but to me it just looks like a bit of a mess. Instead I found some 40mm scenic bases on eBay which I liked the look of so I'm going to stick him on one of those. This is the base he came with, maybe I'm just being a bit picky:

It really didn't take me long to fall behind a week in my posts, and I've not even painted anything yet! I'm hoping to get to a point where I can post once a week. I've got a busy couple of weeks coming up so I don't know how long Shazam will take me but once things settle down a bit I should hopefully be able to get some proper painting done.


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