Shazam is finished...sort of

OK, so he's not quite finished, but I'm calling it. I've already spent far too long on what was supposed to be a bit of a practice model. The cloak isn't complete (especially at the back) and I've left the face as just base-coat plus shade and that will do for now. I'm really happy with the red and the yellow and the gold looks OK. I've learned a lot and tried out some techniques I'd never tried before so all in all I think this has been a positive experience. But it's a shame I didn't get him done to the level I wanted him to. That cloak just killed me. Turns out blending is really hard! Definitely something I'm going to have to practice in isolation. I've spent so long fiddling with it and adding new layers that it's got to the point now that brush strokes and paint crumbs are starting to show and if I keep going I'm just going to ruin the whole thing. I think my problem is that before this guy, the vast majority of mo...