Well this was nice...

When I decided to start this blog, I made conscious decision that it was just for me. If people find it and enjoy it then great. I would share new posts on Twitter and Instagram but I wrote each one of them under the assumption that the only person who would read them was me.

If I'm honest, I'm not sure how much I was enjoying it. I wanted to try and get a post out once a week and hoped that this would motivate me to sit down and paint some miniatures but very quickly I started to feel a bit pressured. I've had this blog for a couple of months now and so far all I've been able to paint is this:

My Instagram follower count has been growing steadily and I have been taking much more enjoyment posting photos and connecting with people on there. I hadn't had any comments on any of my blog posts so I was starting to think 'if no-one's reading these, and I'm not particularly enjoying posting them, why am I bothering?'

Then this happened...

How cool is that? This is a DM I got from an Instgram follower. Thank you Daniel from Germany, seeing this meant so much to me and I've decided to stick at it. I might not get out a post every week but that's OK. This is meant to be fun and I'm going to make sure I have fun doing it.

Check out Daniel's blog here.

As for Shazam, what progress have I made in the last 2 weeks...? I've put him on his base.


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