Primaris Intercessors WIP 1
I've decided I need to practice on some slightly larger miniatures, and I think working with flatter surfaces would also be helpful at this stage, so I've bought a box of Easy-To-Build Space Marine Intercessors. I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to give Primaris Marines a miss but the models have slowly grown on me, and I wanted something cheap and quick to assemble. I'm going to paint each one in a different chapter scheme and try out a couple of things on the way
First up, an Imperial Fist. I've painted Imperial Fists before and always liked the colour scheme (my original idea for a complete Space Marine chapter was going to be Imperial Fists). Yellow can be a scary colour to paint so hopefully this will give me some good practice. Also, I've got a load of Imperial Fist transfers lying around that need using!
I started by priming the model using Vallejo Grey Surface Primer. I then based coated it in Averland Sunset and gave it a zenithal highlight with Flash Gitz Yellow. All of this was done with an airbrush. After that I base coated everything (Mephiston Red, Ulthuan Grey, Abaddon Black, Leadbelcher, Mechanichus Standard Grey and Screamer Pink and Zandri Dust for the purity seal). Then I washed the metals and the cloth of the purity seal with Agrax Earthshade. Where possible, I've used the Citadel Air paint range but with a brush for my basecoats. They're a bit pricier but it saves time thinning down paints.
Next I'll give him a coat of Vallejo Gloss Varnish and a brown oil wash before finishing him up with edge highlights.
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