
Showing posts from October, 2019

White Scar Primaris Intercessor

The White Scar Intercessor is finished! Once again I'm really happy with him. I was very much starting to lose faith in him while I was edge highlighting the white. I don't know if it's just the fact that the pot of White Scar air paint I have is quite old or if this particular paint is a bit of a weird consistency but I was really struggling with it. The paint seemed to immediately dry on my brush. I persevered though, and once I'd finished I left the model alone for a bit and when I came back to it I decided it hadn't come out that badly after all. I really like the way the red has come out too. I was also able to stick some transfers on him! I used Micro Set and Micro Sol to try and get the transfers to look as painted on as possible and I think it's worked. They didn't wrap around the shoulder pads as well as I'd have liked and I had to scrape a few protruding edges off and paint over them. Next time I'll cut some slits into the edges so t...

Primaris Intercessors WIP 5

I've been on holiday for the last few weeks so haven't been able to make much progress on the White Scar Intercessor. I'm back now though and well and truly back on the hobby horse. I've finished and washed the remaining basecoats and tidied up the shading. I've also slapped some Stirland Mud on the base. Hopefully I'll be able to get him finished this week. I've also given the Imperial Fist a coat of gloss varnish and a wash with Agrax Earthshade gloss. I'm not going to touch that model again until the White Scar is finished though.