Bad Moons Ork Boy

In my last post I said that after finishing the White Scar I was going to finish off the Imperial Fist Intercessor and then tackle of box of Tyranid Hormagaunts. Well as you can see, neither of those things happened...

Firstly, I really struggled with the yellow power armour for the Imperial Fist. The shade I went for is too pale and it just looked wrong. This is the second time I've tried to paint this model and I'm not bothering with a third or it'll never end. I'm leaving this miniature for now, I'm getting sick of Space Marines!

Secondly, I don't have a box of Hormagaunts. No idea why I thought I did.

So instead, I decided to go for a quick win and paint an Ork.

I've got loads of Orks. When I first tried to get back into the hobby I bought the Assault on Black Reach boxed game off eBay which includes a mob of 20 Ork Boyz. I've tried painting them before with little success. I think the problem I had was that I kept trying to paint all 20 at the same time. I realise now that this will just never work.

This model actual isn't from AOBR though, I accidentally broke one of them a few years ago so I cobbled an extra Boy together out of bits I had lying around (hence him being the only left-handed model that will appear in the entire mob).

I went for quick an easy with this guy. The boots, trousers, shirt and skin are all just base coated, washed and dry brushed. I also used a hair dryer between pretty much every layer of paint so I didn't have to wait around for washes to dry or anything like that. In total I think I painted him about 5 hours, spread over 3 sessions. That is, quite frankly, unbelievable for me! To get a model painted in a week is unheard of!

I'm going to stick at the mob and paint another guy next. My plan is to use 5 different trouser colours and 4 different shirt colours and mix them across the mob so that no 2 models have the same colour trousers and shirt. So I'm going to paint 5 models, 1 at a time and each with unique clothes, until I'm settled on the scheme and then I'll paint the rest in (small!) batches.

The trousers on this guy are base coated in Mournfang Brown, washed with Agrax Earthshade and the drybrushed in Mournfang Brown, Skrag Brown and finally Deathclaw Brown. The yellow is the same process using Averland Sunset, Seraphim Sepia, Yriel Yellow and Flash Gitz Yellow respectively.


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