Aeldari Guardian: Craftworld Iybraesil

I got distracted. Ugh. I hated this model. For a long time now I've been wanting to have a go at painting some Eldar (Aeldari? What are they even called now?) models from the Craftworld Iybraesil, inspired by Stahly from Tale of Painters . The other day I was watching a YouTube video from Sonic Sledgehammer Studio where he painted a Celestial Vindicator in a similar, turquoise scheme and it made me think "maybe it's time I finally had a go". Here's the thing about me though, I'm lazy, and I hate mixing paints. I don't even like thinning paints. To me it seems like a faff and knowing I'm going to have to do it a lot is the sort of thing that puts me off picking up a brush. This is why I love the airbrush paints that Games Workshop do these days. I do use them in my airbrush but I also use them with a normal brush straight out of the pot. The problem is, they don't do airbrush versions of the whole range. So I jumped in the car and drove dow...