The Project

When I decided to get back into the hobby I "um'd" and "ah'd" (is that how you spell that?) about what I wanted to paint for quite a while. All I really knew was that I wanted it to be a 40k army. The only armies I knew I didn't want to paint were Chaos Space Marines and Necrons. I don't know what it is about either of these factions but they've just never really done it for me (with the exception of Kharn the Betrayer which is one of my favourite miniatures of all time). As I've mentioned previously, my initial plan was to go with Orks but it didn't take me long before I got sucked in by Space Marines. Once I'd re-familiarised myself with the lore and the rules of chapter organisation, the idea of putting together an entire company really started to appeal to me. I spent a fair bit of time looking at all of the different chapters and narrowed it down to Imperial Fists, White Scars or Blood Angels. I've already shown the Imper...