
Showing posts from May, 2019

Shazam WIP 2

Just a quick update this week. I've been mad busy recently and have found it really hard to make time for any painting. I have managed to give Shazam a wash though! I started by giving him a couple of coats of Vallejo gloss varnish through my airbrush. I was pretty worried going in as it's something I'd never done before but overall it was really easy. Gloss varnish is tricky, it's hard to know when it's actually dry because it always looks wet. It seemed to dry pretty easily though. I haven't tried to use my airbrush again since so time will tell if I've knackered it! Next I applied some Citadel washes: Seraphim Sepia for the yellows and golds, Reikland Fleshshade for the skin and Nuln Oil for the grey cape. I really didn't like the way the Nuln Oil looked so I spent a bit of time touching it up with Celestra Grey. I'm still not 100% happy with it but I've got time to fix it. Finally, I used an oil wash for the first time. I had a tu...

Shazam WIP 1

I've finally got my paints out and made a start on Shazam. Feels good to finally get going with painting a miniature! I even got my airbrush out. I've played around a bit with airbrushing but I've never really got to grips with it. I still don't really feel like I know what I'm doing. I'm happy with how this turned out though. For an undercoat I used Vallejo surface primer. I started out with black and then did a zenithal highlight with white. I then used Citadel Air paints to get the reds down. I started with an all over coat of Khorne Red, I then applied Mephiston Red to the front and top of the model, followed with Evil Sunz Scarlet from above. Finally, I blocked in the rest of the base coats. These were Averland Sunset for the yellows, Celestra Grey for the cloak, Retributor Armour for the golds, Cadian Fleshtone for the skin and Abaddon Black for the hair. The only other thing I've done so far it to paint the base. I think it looks p...


This is my fourth blog post, and so far in all of my previous posts I've used some variation of the phrase " I mentioned in my last post..." and it's already starting to annoy me. Hopefully once I get going with painting properly this will stop and my posts will be a bit more independent from each other. Anyway, as I mentioned in my last post, before I get going with my Blood Angels company I decided to take a little detour and paint a single miniature that would be a bit of fun and hopefully let me practice some new techniques (mainly, painting red). Well that miniature is none other than...Shazam! I got the inspiration to paint this guy after watching Scott over at Miniac on YouTube paint him. If you haven't already checked out Miniac I really can't recommend him enough. Scott has a ton of videos demonstrating pretty much every technique out there and he's a really funny and charismatic guy. I watch all of his videos and this one really caugh...